Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What do I write?

I write allegorical women's fiction with paranormal elements about quests of self discovery and freedom and discovering one's inherent power.

(I'm trying that on for size. It actual feels pretty amazing against my skin.)

As you know, I'm in an online voice class taught by Barbara Samuels. I don't recommend taking it unless you REALLY what to know what you should write and unless you are REALLY willing to make that leap.

I'm ready. I think -- in between minor panic attacks since I so didn't have it all figured out up front.

I had little pieces, but not the whole picture. Now, I'm trying to wrap my head around something much bigger.

Thank you Barbara and voice class buddies.

However, I think my very astute friend Alyson hit the nail on the head for me. This is what she said about my voice:
(Thanks, Al.)

...allegorical women's fiction with paranormal elements about quests of self discovery and freedom and discovering one's inherent power


Unknown said...

Wow - that's a mouthful. Sound like you got a lot out of the class.

Julie S said...

Okay, this confirms it. I really need to do this class!

Unknown said...

Hi Macy. I just saw this today. I haven't had time to check or write blogs. Anyway, glad you liked it!!
